Archangel Michael Sends a Message
This idea came to me in meditation while listening to music. An image came into my head, and I grabbed my husband's notebook - it was the only surface around!
My rough artist’s sketch in a notebook
I saw an angel calling for reinforcement in a beautiful world of waterfalls, flowers, and mountains. I knew immediately that it was Archangel Michael, the warrior archangel with a sword, and he was calling to higher forces.
Doesn't that kind of sound like Game of Thrones? Just call on the Dragons to help us win this battle!
See what I mean in this video clip:
Here’s why we need help from an Angel and a Dragon.
What is Archangel Michael’s Message?
The "Battle" for Love
It’s about Love. Each thought and action we have is from LOVE OR FEAR. Nothing in between. (This is from A Course in Miracles).
Nothing is just “neutral”. It’s one OR the other.
It’s not 80% love and 20% fear. Its 100% Love or 100% Fear!
Archangel Michales wants you to understand the "Love is Patient, Love is Kind" Bible verse.
“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”
He’s saying that if we don’t live from Love, we are empty. We will try to fill that emptiness with "stuff", aka distractions.
But when we live from Love, our lives are FULL. Full of meaning, inner peace, and light that shines into all aspects of life.
What does Archangel Michael Want?
When I tuned into Archangel Michael, I had a vision that he was calling upon the spirit of the dragon.
Archangel Michael has been trying all of this time to help us Wake Up to Love, but we still aren't listening!
We still battle about things within ourselves. We battle with self-acceptance, self-love, feeling enough, and more. Those root battles lead to sadness, irritability, and stress in our lives. This is revealed in our minds, relationships, and even worldwide struggles. Each time we choose those battles, we are choosing Fear.
Archangel Michael has seen enough of this fear. He knows we can do better.
He's not giving up on us.
He's just getting out the loudspeaker.
Archangel Michael Calls to Dragon Spirit (process)
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas 30x40"
Purchase this painting
Sometimes that loudspeaker may cause a little bit of disruption. 💥
Just as a dragon would trying to make its large body fit into our tiny world.
But - people will look up.
They’ll see that magnificent dragon.
She will bring out fear in those who do not understand. Those who aren’t ready.
They will try to slay her. Try to bind her. Try to shut her away.
Lock. Her. Up. 🔒⛓
But she's not a villain.
Listen to her role in this story:
She has fire inside of her, and she does not use it to harm others. She uses it to light the fire within our souls. She wake us up to the song of our own souls. To Creativity, Love, Light, and Bliss.
I just got chills!
Archangel Michael’s Risk
He knows it’s risky. Bringing a dragon around may lead to chaos until we truly understand.
But he knows a message this big is worth it.
It's worth it for us to understand our connectedness to the spirit of the dragon, our connectedness to the earth, to each other, and that God/Love literally IS each and every one of us. Love is at our core.
When we live each moment with Love and choose each action from a place of Love,
then the world will reflect Love back to us.
Instead of Fear that currently reflects back to us.
You say, “What? I don’t have fear in my life. I’m not afraid. Sure, I get worried sometimes but I’m not living from fear.”
Archangel Michael says if you don't feel like you are surrounded by "fear" in your life, replace the word fear with Stress. Most of us feel "stressed". Stress is Fear! When we replace your stress with Peace, then we have flipped the switch to Love. While Stress is Fear, Inner Peace is Love.
Consider prayer or meditation to connect with Archangel Michael. He will help guide you to understand this further.
Or, take my mandala mini-workshop on Peace.
Archangel Michael’s Dragon of Peace
This sapphire dragon in the painting is the feminine Dragon Spirit. She comes with ferocity to help wake us up to love.
She is pure Love. If we let her, she will come to us and remind us to live from a place of peace. This peace ignites the fire within our souls. She reminds us to live our lives with tenacity and unrelenting passion. She has warrior blood in her, as does Archangel Michael, and both of the warriors here stand for peace and love.
Archangel Michael’s Butterflies of Transformation
The butterflies represent the time we need to take in metamorphosis to change from caterpillar to butterfly.
They are presented here as winged messengers with the dragon and the angel: all 3 of these beings are winged and send messages to us. The butterflies make an appearance in this painting because the butterflies are the only visible creature in our plane, yet they are just as magical as angels and dragons.
Do you have your own version of a message from this painting?
Perhaps you’ve seen something that’s remarkable in your life.
Let me know in the comments!
I truly hope you enjoy my rendition of Archangel Michael.
~ Mara
Archangel Michael Calls to Dragon Spirit
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
End note
I've had other people interpret this painting way differently.
Maybe you first saw it and thought that Archangel Michael is battling this dragon.
.....Did my article above invite you to think again?
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Want more peace in your life? Take my FREE mandala mini-workshop on Peace and Self-Love.